
Our Goals

Always looking for ways to innovate with our service.
Reduce the failure rate and barriers to preserve your resources.
Prompt, competent, inexpensive and no useless waiting times.
You book - we come. Directions · Services · Documentation - Departure.
We also solve your concerns in operational operations.
We make expensive and time-consuming services affordable.
Low costs – high added value.
Our friendly team ensures satisfied customers.

© 2022 Capmandits Ltd. All rights reserved.

According to the common legal requirements the operator of a site is responsible for its content. The contents of this website were created with due dilligence. Nevertheless © 2022 Capmandits Ltd. excludes any liability in regards to the accuracy, sufficiency and currentness of the page visible on this website.

Capmandits Ltds.

A-1190 Wien, Hackhofergasse 1
Director: Mrs. Martina Traun
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +43 670 50 55 888

Informationspflicht laut:
§5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz.

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Capmandits Ltd.
Competent and prompt manpower provision and IT services

Director: Martina Traun
Tel.: +43 670 50 55 888
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Niederlassung Wien:
Hackhofergasse 1
A-1190 Wien
Camandits Ltd.
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  • Dienstleistungen in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik
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IT-Dienstleistung Informationstechnologie

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77 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 XE80, Ireland


Contents of this page
  1. Compatibility with the requirements
  2. Non-accessible content
  3. Creation of this accessibility statement
  4. Further steps towards improving accessibility
  5. Feedback and contact details
  6. Enforcement Proceedings

The Capmandits Ltd. strives to make its website with the accessible in accordance with the Web Accessibility Act (WZG) to implement EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

1. Compatibility with the requirements

This website is partially compatible with conformity level AA of the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG 2.1" and with the applicable harmonized European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08), respectively, due to the following incompatibilities and exceptions. The incompatibilities and exceptions are listed below.
However, the generally achieves a high level of accessibility and prepares for  the Austrian WACA bronze certificate, see 

2. Non-accessible content

The content listed below is not barrier-free accessible for the following reasons:

(a) Incompatibility with accessibility regulations:

A few elements have no alternative text or are not meaningful (1.1.1 Non-text content). Some elements do not have sufficient color contrast, such as .B the header navigation with bright header image too little contrast to the background (1.4.3 contrast and 1.4.11 non-text contrast). For certain screen widths, a horizontal scroll bar appears because the links in the footer do not adapt responsively (1.4.4 Change text size). The placeholder of the unfolded search field is truncated mobile and therefore difficult to use (1.4.10 Break). The text area for the appointments on the start page is too small, so for longer titles, the text is truncated when the test distances are increased (1.4.12 text spacing).

b) Disproportionate burden:

Videos are hosted and published on the video platform YouTube. It is not possible to provide the requested audio descriptions or a textual alternative. As a result, the WCAG success criteria 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 (Audio Description or Media Alternative) are not met. We believe that a fix would impose a disproportionate burden in terms of accessibility regulations. The video in the header has no media alternative and audio description, but it is not an essential content of the website.

c) The contents do not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation:
  • Live broadcast time-based media
  • Online maps and map services (limited, alternative is offered)
  • Internal areas and external tools such as publication database, research gate or podcasts
  • Disproportionate organizational and financial burden: 
    • Many PDF documents and Office documents are not yet optimally accessible. However, we plan to ensure that our documents that are posted online in the future will be better optimised and that our editors will be trained with regard to barrier-free design of PDF documents.
    • However, much of the content of the PDFs can be found in the content section of the website which therefore provides an alternative.
    • The language designations of some terms (3.1.2 Language of Parts) are not fulfilled. However, the problem of anglicisms on the German site is not highly relevant in this case, as they are very common for an international research institution.
    • The blog with the URL is considered a separate website.
3. Creation of this accessibility statement:

This statement was created on 7 October 2021.
The assessment of the compatibility of the website with the Web Accessibility Act for the implementation of the requirements of EU Directive 2016/2102 is carried out in the form of a third-party test according to WCAG 2.1 in the conformity level.The start page in German and English, the search function, contact option, as well as the subpages in the course of waca certification are checked.

Individual page contents are regularly checked by the web editors when new content is published.

4. Further steps towards improving accessibility:
  • English terms on German pages are successively recorded in a glossary so that common screen reader programmes can read these terms correctly.
  • Upon receiving the WACA accessibility certificate, all editors of the AIT website are being trained again on the correct handling of accessibility. 
  • Subsequently, new content on the AIT website will be created in an accessible form by the trained website editors.
5. Feedback and contact details:

If you notice accessibility barriers that prevent you from using our website – issues not described in this statement, deficiencies in the compliance with accessibility requirements – please let us know by email.
We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible.
Please send all messages and suggestions to Capmandits Ltd.,  
E-Mail: marketing(at)
Please describe the problem and provide us with the URL(s) of the affected sub-page of our website.

Capmandits Ltd.
Corporate and Marketing Communications
E-Mail: marketing(at)

6. Enforcement Procedure:

If you do not receive satisfactory answers via the above contact option, you may contact the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) by means of a complaint. The FFG accepts complaints electronically via the contact form: Contactform-beschwerdestelle 
These complaints are reviewed by the FFG to determine whether they pertain to violations of the requirements of the Web Accessibility Act, particularly deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the Federal Government or an entity attributable to it.
If the complaint is justified, the FFG shall issue recommendations for action to the Federal Government or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the deficiencies at hand.

Further information on the complaints procedure 


The contents of the information system websites written and maintained by Capmandits Ltd. together with all information contained therein, including text, graphics, images, design and source code or other forms, are and remain the property of Capmandits Ltd. and are protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, licences or other proprietary rights or laws.

No part of this website may be modified, copied, distributed, published, mailed or transmitted without the prior written consent of Capmandits Ltd. . Users may download, print and distribute the content presented for personal, non-commercial use, provided that the content remains unaltered. All copies of or excerpts from these pages must retain all copyright notices or other proprietary notices by Capmandits Ltd.  or the owner of the copyright, trademark, patent or other rights. Commercial use or distribution require the prior written consent of Capmandits Ltd. . The preparation and distribution of modified, extended, abbreviated or translated content require the prior written consent of Capmandits Ltd. . You are entitled to create hyperlinks to these Capmandits Ltd.  pages, but are obliged to make a clear distinction between information provided by you and information provided by Capmandits Ltd. . The Capmandits Ltd. pages must not appear to be part of your own homepage. These pages contain links to internet pages of third parties, which are not under Capmandits Ltd.'s control. Capmandits Ltd. therefore accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of those pages, especially their lawfulness and legality. Please let us know if these links are deactivated or appear to be incorrect or inappropriate or if any other problems arise from the pages maintained by Capmandits Ltd. .

© 2022 Capmandits Ltd. All rights reserved.

According to the common legal requirements the operator of a site is responsible for its content. The contents of this website were created with due dilligence. Nevertheless Capmandits Ltd. excludes any liability in regards to the accuracy, sufficiency and currentness of the page visible on this website.

Data Protection

Capmandits Ltd.
Hackhofergasse 1, 1190 Wien Österreich
office(at); +43 6705550-888

Data Protection Office: support(at)

If Capmandits Ltd. processes your personal data, you have the right of access to your personal data. In addition you have the right to obtain the rectification or erasure of your data. You further have the right to obtain the restriction of processing or the right to transmit your data to another controller under the specific terms of the General Data Protection Regulation. In addition you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

If your personal data is being processed based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you are of the opinion that your data is processed unlawfully, you have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority (

In order to exercise your rights, please contact office(at)

Capmandits Ltd. processes personal data in accordance with Section 2d paragraph 2 Forschungsorganisationsgesetz.

© 2022 Capmandits Ltd.. All rights reserved.


Our website uses cookies to store user-specific data.
Cookies are small text files that websites send to browsers and that are stored on the devices of website visitors. If browsers revisit websites, the information stored in their cookies is transferred to the website (e.g. the language chosen for the website or other settings). You can find information about all the cookies stored on your device in the (privacy-)settings of your browser.

Below we explain why this website uses cookies. In case of questions, please get in touch with us.

What types of cookies are there?
The question of which cookies we use in particular depends on the services we use and is clarified in the following sections of the Privacy Policy. At this point we would like to briefly explain the different types of cookies.

There are 4 types of cookies:

  • Absolutely necessary / Business-relevant cookies
    These cookies are necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website. For example, these cookies are needed when a user fills out a form and then continues surfing on other pages before sending it off. These cookies do not delete the form fields, even if the user closes his browser window.
  • Functional cookies
    These cookies collect information about the user behavior and whether the user gets any error messages. In addition, these cookies are used to measure the loading time and the behaviour of the website with different browsers.
  • Target-oriented cookies
    These cookies ensure better user friendliness. For example, entered locations, font sizes or form data are stored.
  • Google Analytics Privacy Policy
    On this website we use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to statistically evaluate visitor data. Google Analytics uses target-oriented cookies for this purpose.

Necessary/system-relevant cookies

This cookie stores whether or not you agree to the use of other cookies. It is set when you interact with our cookie information. Your decision will be stored for one year, unless you remove the cookie from your computer earlier.

This is a standard cookie which is set by TYPO3 (the backend of the website). It is set when a form page is called and is required for the technical function of the page (spam prevention). It contains a letter and number combination and is deleted when you close your web browser.

Cookies from Google Analytics

1. _gaDuration: 2 years
2. use: differentiation of website visitors
3rd example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152211103283

1. _gidexpiry time: 24 hours
2. use: differentiation of website visitors
3rd example value: GA1.2.1687193234.152211103283

1. _gat_gtag_UA_<property-id>expiry time: 1 minute
2. use: Used to throttle the requirement rate. If Google Analytics is provided through the Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named _dc_gtm_ <property-id>.
Example value 3: 1

For more information about the terms of use and privacy policy, please visit and respectively.

Our concern in the sense of the DSGVO is the improvement of our offer and our web appearance. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymised. Data processing is based on the statutory provisions of § 96 Para. 3 TKG and Art. 6 EU-DSGVO Para. 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the DSGVO.

Deactivation of data collection by Google Analytics
The browser add-on to disable Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js) helps website visitors prevent Google Analytics from using their information.
You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and Google from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

Google Analytics add-on for data processing
We have concluded a direct customer contract with Google for the use of Google Analytics by accepting the "add-on for data processing" in Google Analytics.

You can find out more about the Google Analytics data processing supplement here:

Google Analytics reports on demographics and interests
We've turned on advertising reporting in Google Analytics. The demographic and interest reports include age, gender, and interests. This allows us to get a better picture of our users without being able to associate this data with individual persons. You can find out more about the advertising functions at .
You can stop using the activities and information in your Google Account under "Advertising preferences" at by checking the box.

Third party cookies / social media platforms
These cookies are also called targeting cookies. They are used to deliver individually tailored advertising to the user. This can be very practical, but also very annoying.
Usually, when you first visit a website, you are asked which of these cookie types you want to allow. And of course this decision is also stored in a cookie.

Embedded Social Media Elements Privacy Policy
We include elements of social media services on our website to display images, videos and text.
By visiting pages that display these elements, data is transferred from your browser to the respective social media service and stored there. We do not have access to this data.
The following links will take you to the pages of the respective social media services where we explain how they handle your data:
1st Instagram Privacy Policy:
2. the Google Privacy Policy applies to YouTube:
3rd Facebook Data Policy:
4th Twitter Privacy Policy:

Facebook Privacy Policy

On this website we use functions of Facebook, a social media network of FIrma Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.
You can read about the features (social plug-ins) provided by Facebook at .
When you visit our website, information may be transferred to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook may associate this information with your personal account. If you do not want this, please unsubscribe from Facebook.
The privacy policy about what information Facebook collects and how they use it can be found on

YouTube Privacy Policy
We have included YouTube videos on our website. So we can present you interesting videos directly on our site. YouTube is a video portal that has been a subsidiary of Google LLC since 2006. The video portal is operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When you visit a page on our website that has a YouTube video embedded, your browser automatically connects to YouTube or Google servers. Depending on your settings, various data will be transmitted. Google is responsible for the entire data processing and therefore Google's data protection also applies.
In the following, we will explain in more detail which data is processed, why we have included YouTube videos and how you can manage or delete your data.

What is YouTube?
On YouTube, users can view, rate, comment on and upload videos free of charge. Over the last few years, YouTube has become one of the most important social media channels in the world. To enable us to display videos on our website, YouTube provides a code excerpt that we have built into our site.

Why do we use YouTube videos on our website?
YouTube is the video platform with the most visitors and the best content. We strive to provide you with the best possible user experience on our website. And of course, interesting videos should not be missing. With the help of our embedded videos, we provide you with additional helpful content in addition to our texts and images. In addition, our website is easier to find on the Google search engine through the embedded videos. Even if we place advertisements via Google Ads, Google - thanks to the collected data - can only show these advertisements to people who are interested in our offers.

What data does YouTube store?
Once you visit one of our sites that has a YouTube video built in, YouTube sets at least one cookie that stores your IP address and our URL. If you are logged into your YouTube account, YouTube can usually associate your interactions on our website with your profile using cookies. This includes information such as session duration, bounce rate, approximate location, technical information such as browser type, screen resolution, or your Internet service provider. Additional information may include contact information, any ratings, sharing content via social media, or adding to your favorites on YouTube.
If you're not signed in to a Google Account or Youtube Account, Google stores data with a unique identifier associated with your device, browser or app. For example, your preferred language setting remains the same. But a lot of interaction data can't be stored because fewer cookies are set.
The following list shows cookies that have been set in a browser test. On the one hand, we show cookies that are set without a registered YouTube account. On the other hand, we show cookies that are set with a registered account. The list cannot claim to be complete because the user data always depends on the interactions on YouTube.

Name: YSC
Purpose: This cookie registers a unique ID to store statistics of the video viewed.
Expiration date: after session end
Example value: b9-CV6ojI5Y

Name: PREF
Purpose: This cookie also registers your unique ID. Google receives PREF statistics on how you use YouTube videos on our website.
Expiration date: after 8 months
Example value: f1=50000000

Name: GPS
Purpose: This cookie registers your unique ID on mobile devices to track the GPS location.
Expiration date: after 30 minutes
Example value: 1

Purpose: This cookie attempts to estimate the user's bandwidth on our websites (with built-in YouTube video).
Expiration date: after 8 months
Example value: 95Chz8bagyU

Additional cookies that are set when you are logged in with your YouTube account:

Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. The data is used for personalised advertisements.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Example value: zILlvClZSkqGsSwI/AU1aZI6HY7211103283

Purpose: The cookie stores the status of a user's consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT also provides security to help verify users and protect user data from unauthorized attacks.
Expiration date: after 19 years
Example value:

Name: HSID
Purpose: This cookie is used to create a profile of your interests. This data helps us to display personalized advertisements.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Example value: AcRwpgUik9Dveht0I

Intended use: Information about your login data is stored in this cookie.
Expiry date: after 2 years
Example value: AFmmF2swRQIhALl6aL...

Purpose: This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device. It is used to create a profile about your interests.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Example value: 7oaPxoG-pZsJuuF5/AnUdDUIsJ9iJz2vdM

Name: SID
Purpose: This cookie stores your Google Account ID and your last login time in digitally signed and encrypted form.
Expiration date: after 2 years
Example value: oQfNKjAsI211103283

Purpose: This cookie stores information about how you use the site and what advertisements you may have seen before visiting our site.
Expiration date: after 3 months
Example value: AN0-TYuqub2JOcDTyL

How long and where is the data stored?
The data that YouTube receives from you and processes is stored on Google's servers. Most of these servers are located in America. At, you can see exactly where the Google data centers are located. Your data is distributed on the servers. So the data is faster retrievable and better protected against manipulation.
Google stores the collected data for different lengths of time. Some data can be deleted at any time, others are automatically deleted after a limited period of time and still others are stored by Google over a longer period of time. Some data (such as "My Activity" items, photos or documents, products) stored in your Google Account will remain stored until you delete it. Even if you're not signed in to a Google Account, you can still delete some information associated with your device, browser, or app.

How do I delete or prevent my data from being stored?
Basically, you can manually delete data from your Google Account. With the automatic deletion of location and activity data introduced in 2019, information will be stored for either 3 or 18 months, depending on your decision, and then deleted.
Whether or not you have a Google Account, you can configure your browser to delete or disable Google cookies. This works in different ways depending on which browser you use. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome: Deleting, enabling and managing cookies in Chrome
Safari: Managing cookies and website data with Safari
Firefox: Deleting cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer
Internet Explorer: Deleting and managing cookies
Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies
If you do not want cookies, you can set your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. In this way, you can decide whether to allow each individual cookie or not. Because YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, there is a joint privacy statement. If you would like to learn more about how we treat your information, we recommend that you read the privacy statement at .

Vimeo Privacy Policy   

We also use videos from the company Vimeo on our website. The video portal is operated by Vimeo LLC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA. With the help of a plug-in, we can display interesting video material directly on our website. Certain data may be transferred from you to Vimeo. In this privacy statement, we will show you what data is involved, why we use Vimeo, and how you can manage or stop your data or data transfer.

What is Vimeo?
Vimeo is a video platform that was founded in 2004 and since 2007 has enabled the streaming of videos in HD quality. Since 2015 it is also possible to stream in 4k Ultra HD. The use of the portal is free of charge, but paid content can also be published. In comparison to the market leader YouTube, Vimeo places priority on high quality content in good quality. Thus, the portal offers on the one hand a lot of artistic content such as music videos and short films, but on the other hand also documentations worth knowing about various topics.
Why do we use Vimeo on our website?
The goal of our web presence is to provide you with the best possible content. And as easily accessible as possible. Only when we have achieved this are we satisfied with our service. The Vimeo video service helps us achieve this goal. Vimeo gives us the opportunity to present you with high-quality content directly on our website. Instead of just giving you a link to an interesting video, you can watch the video right here. This extends our service and makes it easier for you to access interesting content. Therefore we offer video content in addition to our texts and images.

What data is stored on Vimeo?
When you visit a page on our website that has a Vimeo video embedded, your browser connects to the Vimeo servers.  This results in a data transfer. This data is collected, stored and processed on the Vimeo servers. Whether or not you have a Vimeo account, Vimeo collects information about you. This includes your IP address, technical information about your browser type, operating system, or very basic device information. In addition, Vimeo stores information about which website you use the Vimeo service and which actions (web activities) you perform on our website. These web activities include, for example, session duration, bounce rate, or which button you clicked on our website with a built-in Vimeo function. Vimeo can track and store these actions using cookies and similar technologies.

If you are logged in as a registered member of Vimeo, more data can usually be collected because more cookies may already have been set in your browser. In addition, your actions on our website are directly linked to your Vimeo account. To prevent this, you must log out of Vimeo while you are "surfing" our website.

Below we show you the cookies that are set by Vimeo when you are on a website with integrated Vimeo functionality. This list is not exhaustive and assumes that you do not have a Vimeo account.

Name: player
Value: ""
Purpose: This cookie saves your settings before you play an embedded Vimeo video. This means that the next time you watch a Vimeo video, you will get your preferred settings back.
Expiration date: after one year

Name: vuid
Value: pl1046149876.614422590211134857-4
Purpose: This cookie collects information about your actions on websites that have embedded a Vimeo video.
Expiration date: after 2 years

Note: These two cookies are always set when you are on a web page with an embedded Vimeo video. When you view the video and click the button, for example to "share" or "link" the video, additional cookies are set. These are also third-party cookies such as _ga or _gat_UA-76641-8 from Google Analytics or _fbp from Facebook. Exactly which cookies are set here depends on your interaction with the video.

The following list shows a selection of possible cookies that are set when you interact with the Vimeo video:

Name: _abexps
Value: %5B%5D
Purpose: This Vimeo cookie helps Vimeo remember the settings you have made. This could be a preset language, region or user name, for example. In general, the cookie stores information about how you use Vimeo.
Expiration date: after one year

Name: continuous_play_v3
Value: 1
Purpose: This cookie is a first-party cookie from Vimeo. The cookie collects information about how you use the Vimeo service. For example, the cookie stores when you pause or replay a video.
Expiration date: after one year

Name: _ga
Value: GA1.2.1522249635.1578401280211134857-7
Purpose: This cookie is a third-party cookie from Google. By default analytics.js uses the _ga cookie to store the user ID. Basically, it is used to differentiate between website visitors.
Expiration date: after 2 years

Name: _gcl_au
Value: 1.1.770887836.1578401279211134857-3
Purpose: This third-party Google AdSense cookie is used to improve the effectiveness of ads on websites.
Expiration date: after 3 months

Name: _fbp
Value: fb.1.1578401280585.310434968
Purpose: This is a Facebook cookie. This cookie is used to display advertisements or promotional products from Facebook or other advertisers.
Expiration date: after 3 months

Vimeo uses this data to improve its own service, to communicate with you and to implement its own targeted advertising measures, among other things. Vimeo emphasizes on its website that only first-party cookies (i.e., cookies from Vimeo itself) are used for embedded videos, as long as you do not interact with the video.

How long and where is the data stored?
Vimeo is headquartered in White Plains, New York State (USA). However, the services are offered worldwide. The company uses computer systems, databases and servers in the USA and in other countries. Your data can therefore also be stored and processed on servers in America. The data will remain stored by Vimeo until the company no longer has an economic reason for storing it. Then the data is deleted or made anonymous. Vimeo complies with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and is therefore permitted to collect, use and transfer data from users in the EU to the USA.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
You always have the possibility to manage cookies in your browser according to your wishes. For example, if you do not want Vimeo to set cookies and thus collect information about you, you can delete or deactivate cookies in your browser settings at any time. Depending on your browser, this works slightly differently. Please note that after deactivating/deleting cookies, various functions may no longer be available to the full extent. The following instructions show you how to manage or delete cookies in your browser.

Chrome: Delete, activate and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: delete cookies to remove data that websites have placed on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies

If you are a registered Vimeo member, you can also manage the cookies used in the Vimeo settings.

Vimeo is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. You can find more information about this at You can learn more about the use of cookies at Vimeo at Information about data protection at Vimeo can be found at

Source: Created with the data protection generator from in cooperation with

The legal basis for the processing of personal data when embedding Vimeo videos is, on the one hand, the legitimate interest of AIT in presenting an informative website to website visitors, and, on the other hand, the consent of website visitors to transfer data when playing videos. Vimeo uses standard contractual clauses to protect personal data when transferring data to countries without an adequate level of data protection. To obtain a copy of these, please contact Vimeo.

Instagram Privacy Policy
On our website we use functions of the social media network Instagram of the company Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA.
With the functions for embedding Instagram content (Embed function) we can display pictures and videos.
By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date, time, cookies) is transmitted to Instagram, stored and evaluated.
If you have an Instagram account and are logged in, this information will be associated with your personal account and the information stored in it.
The privacy policy about what information Instagram collects and how you use it can be found at

Newsletter Privacy Policy
When you subscribe to our newsletter you provide the above personal information and give us the right to contact you via email. We use the data stored within the scope of the registration to the newsletter exclusively for our newsletter and do not pass these on.
If you unsubscribe from our newsletter - you will find the link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter - then we will delete all data that was stored when you subscribed to our newsletter.

Google Maps Privacy Policy
On our website we use Google Maps of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). With Google Maps we can better visualize locations and thus improve our service. By using Google Maps, data is transferred to Google and stored on the Google servers. Here we want to go into more detail about what Google Maps is, why we use this Google service, what data is stored and how you can prevent this.

What is Google Maps?
Google Maps is an online map service provided by Google Inc. Google Maps allows you to search the Internet for exact locations of cities, attractions, accommodations or businesses using a PC or an app. If companies are represented on Google My Business, additional information about the company is displayed in addition to the location. In order to show you how to get there, map sections of a location can be integrated into a website using HTML code. Google Maps displays the earth's surface as a road map or as an aerial or satellite image. Thanks to the Street View images and the high-quality satellite images, very accurate representations are possible.

Why do we use Google Maps on our website?
All our efforts on this page are aimed at providing you with a useful and meaningful time on our website. By incorporating Google Maps, we can provide you with the most important information about various locations. Thanks to Google Maps, you can see at a glance where we have our headquarters. The route description always shows you the best or fastest way to us. You can find the route to us by car, public transport, on foot or by bicycle. For us, providing Google Maps is part of our customer service.

What data does Google Maps store?
In order for Google Maps to provide its full service, it must collect and store information about you. This includes, among other things, the search terms entered, your IP address and the latitude and longitude coordinates. If you use the route planner function, the entered start address will also be saved. However, this data storage happens on the Google Maps websites. We can only inform you about it, but have no influence on it. Since we have integrated Google Maps into our website, Google sets at least one cookie (name: NID) in your browser. This cookie stores data about your user behaviour. Google uses this data primarily to optimise its own services and to provide you with individual, personalised advertising.

The following cookie is set due to the integration of Google Maps in your browser:

Name: NID

Value: 188=h26c1Ktha7fCQTx8rXgLyATyITJ211103283 Intended use: NID is used by Google to customize ads to match your Google search. The cookie helps Google "remember" your most frequently entered searches or your past interaction with ads. You'll always get customized ads. The cookie contains a unique ID that Google uses to collect the user's personal information for advertising purposes.

Expiration date: after 6 months

Note: We cannot guarantee the completeness of the stored data. Especially when using cookies, changes at Google can never be excluded. In order to identify the cookie NID, a separate test page was created, where only Google Maps was integrated.

How long and where is the data stored?
The Google servers are located in data centers all over the world. However, most servers are located in America. For this reason, your data is increasingly stored in the USA. Here you can read exactly where the Google data centers are located:

Google distributes the data on various data carriers. This means that the data can be retrieved more quickly and is better protected against possible manipulation attempts. Each data center also has special emergency programs. For example, if there are problems with the Google hardware or a natural disaster affects the servers, the data is still highly likely to be protected.
Some data is stored by Google for a specified period of time. For other data, Google only offers the option of deleting it manually. The company also anonymizes information (such as advertising data) in server logs by deleting part of the IP address and cookie information after 9 and 18 months, respectively.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?
With the automatic deletion of location and activity data introduced in 2019, location and web/app activity information is stored for either 3 or 18 months, depending on your decision, and then deleted. You can also manually delete this data from your history at any time using your Google Account. If you want to completely prevent your location capture, you must pause the "Web and App Activity" section of your Google Account. Click "Data and personalization" and then click the "Activity setting" option. Here you can turn the activities on or off.
You can also disable, delete, or manage individual cookies in your browser. Depending on which browser you use, this works in different ways. The following instructions show how to manage cookies in your browser:
Chrome: Deleting, activating and managing cookies in Chrome
Safari: Managing cookies and website data with Safari
Firefox: Deleting cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer
Internet Explorer: Deleting and managing cookies
Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies
If you do not want cookies, you can set your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. In this way, you can decide whether to allow each individual cookie or not.
Google is an active participant in the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, which governs the correct and secure transfer of personal data. More information can be found at If you would like to learn more about Google's data processing practices, we encourage you to read our company's privacy policy at .

SoundCloud Privacy Policy
On our website we use functions of the social media network SoundCloud of the company SoundCloud Limited, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany.
By using the SoundCloud functions such as playing music, data (IP address, browser data, date and time, cookies) are transmitted to SoundCloud, stored and evaluated.
If you have a SoundCloud account and are logged in, this data will be assigned to your personal account and the data stored in it.
For the privacy policy of what information SoundCloud collects and how you use it, please visit

Source: Created by in cooperation with Dr. Wallentin

Video surveillance

Video surveillance only detects image data. The legitimate interests for the performance of video surveillance consist in the preventive protection of persons or property. Image data for the purpose of video surveillance are stored for a maximum of 72 hours.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

IT Services – Online Bookings

Stand: Jänner 2022
Aufsichtsbehörde: Magistrat 1190 Wien
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 578744w
Firmenbuchgericht: HG Wien
UID-Nr.: ATU78101689

Capmandits  Ltd.
Member Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Hackhofergasse 1
 A-1190 Wien,

T: +43 (0) 670 50 55 888
E:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fr. Martina Traun

Infos, Auskünfte und Beschwerden an: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mitglied der WKO, Fachgruppen:
FG Unternehmensberatung, Buchhaltung und Informationstechn.
Dienstleistungen in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik

Gewerberechtliche Vorschriften: Gewerbeordnung (

Freiwilliger Verhaltenskodex:

  • 1 Geltungsbereich

(1) Die nachstehenden „Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen“ (AGB) gelten in der am Tag der Buchung gültigen Fassung für sämtliche Buchungen von Dienstleistungen zwischen der Capmandits Ltd. und ihren Kunden. Abweichende Vereinbarungen bedürfen der Schriftform. Mit der Abgabe seiner Buchung erklärt sich der Kunde mit diesen AGB einverstanden und an sie gebunden.

(2) Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieser AGB aufgrund zwingender gesetzlicher Vorschriften (insbesondere den Bestimmungen des KSchG) ganz oder teilweise unwirksam sein, so bleiben die übrigen Bestimmungen dieser AGB unverändert wirksam.

  • 2 Vertragsschluss

Die Capmandits Ltd. behält sich das Recht vor, das jeweilige Leistungsangebot inhaltlich jederzeit zu verändern. Alle Angebote der Capmandits Ltd. (Services, Dienstleistungen, Reparaturen ohne Dienstleistungsaufwand, Rollouts, Fieldservices…) sind freibleibend und als Aufforderung an den Kunden zu verstehen, selbst ein Angebot zu legen. Der Vertrag kommt durch Annahme der Buchung durch die Capmandits Ltd. zustande, und zwar entweder durch Absendung einer Auftrags-bestätigung mittels E-Mail oder unmittelbar durch Beginnen der Dienstleistung.

  • 3 Vertragssprache

Der Vertragsinhalt, alle sonstigen Informationen, Kundendienst und Beschwerdeerledigung werden in Österreich durchgängig in deutscher Sprache angeboten. Ausgenommen sind B2B Leistungen.

  • 4 Rücktrittsrecht im Fernabsatz

(1) Kunden, die Verbraucher im Sinne des Konsumentenschutzgesetzes sind, können 14 Tage ab Dienstleistungsübernahme vom Kauf ohne Angabe von Gründen zurücktreten. Es genügt, wenn die Rücktrittserklärung innerhalb der Frist ohne Angabe von Gründen abgesendet wird (zu richten an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

(2) Im Falle des Rücktritts findet eine Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises nur Zug um Zug gegen Zurückstellung der vom Kunden erhaltenen Dienstleistungen statt. Sowohl die Rücksendung der Ware und Rückerstattung des Kaufpreises haben binnen 14 Tagen ab Erklärung des Rücktritts bzw. Rücksendung der Ware zu erfolgen. Bedingung hierfür ist, dass sich die Ware in ungenütztem und als neu wiederverkaufsfähigem Zustand befindet. Die Kosten der Rücksendung übernimmt die Capmandits Ltd.

(3) Bei Artikeln, die durch Gebrauchsspuren beeinträchtigt oder beschädigt sind, wird von der Capmandits Ltd. ein angemessenes Entgelt für die Wertminderung erhoben. Gleiches gilt, wenn bei Rückgabe der Ware Zubehör (etwa Handbücher, Treiber CDs, Software, etc.…) fehlt.

4) Ein Rücktrittsrecht besteht nicht bei gebuchten Dienstleistungen (z.B. (Services, Dienstleistungen, Reparaturen ohne Hardwareaufwand, Rollouts, Fieldservices...) oder Software, die vom Besteller entsiegelt worden sind, ferner nicht bei Leistungen, die online (z.B. Software und Publikationen zum Download) übermittelt worden sind.

(5) Anfragen, Infos, Datenauskünfte und Beschwerden richten Sie in der Zeit Mo bis Fr, zwischen 9 und 12 Uhr an die Capmandits Ltd. T: +43 670 50 55 888

Das Rücktrittsrecht besteht grundsätzlich, entfällt jedoch bei (§ 18 Abs 1 Z 1 und Z 11 FAGG)

  1. vollständiger Erbringung der Dienstleistung, wenn auf ausdrückliches Verlangen des Verbrauchers vor Ablauf der Rücktrittsfrist mit der Dienstleistung begonnen wurde. Zusätzlich bedarf es der Bestätigung des Verbrauchers, dass er vom Verlust des Rücktrittsrechts im Moment der vollständigen Erfüllung Kenntnis hat;
  2. digitalen Inhalten, die nicht auf einem körperlichen Datenträger geliefert werden (z.B. Downloads),
    • wenn mit der Ausführung mit vorheriger ausdrücklicher Zustimmung des Verbrauchers 
    • und seiner Kenntnisnahme, dass er dadurch sein Rücktrittsrecht verliert, noch vor Ablauf der sonst bestehenden Rücktrittsfrist begonnen wurde.
    • Der Verbraucher erhält vorher eine Bestätigung nach § 7 Abs 3 FAGG übermittelt die auf den Entfall des Rücktrittsrechts hinweist.
  • 5 Preise

(1) Grundsätzlich gilt jener Kaufpreis für die bestellten Dienstleistungen als vereinbart, der sich aus den aktuellen Prospekten, Katalogen, Preislisten, Webshop und ähnlichen Publikationen der Capmandits Ltd. ergibt.

(2) Soweit nicht anders angegeben, verstehen sich sämtliche Preisangaben als Tagesbruttopreise einschließlich der gesetzlichen Umsatzsteuer exklusive aller mit einer Anfahrt außerhalb Wiens entstehenden Spesen.

(3) Sollten im Zuge des Anfahrt Mautgebühren oder Spesen für Nächtigung u.ä. fällig werden, gehen auch diese zu Lasten des Bestellers. Die Preise für die angebotenen Leistungen und Services enthalten nicht Kosten, die von Dritten verrechnet werden.

(4) Bei Verkäufen an Kunden außerhalb der EG fällt keine Umsatzsteuer an, diese müssen aber die jeweiligen nationalen Einfuhrabgaben entrichten. Bei Verkäufen an Unternehmer innerhalb der EG fällt unter Nachweis der UID keine österreichische Umsatzsteuer an, diese haben dafür die Umsatzsteuer in ihrem Heimatstaat zu entrichten.

  • 6 Leistungsbedingungen

(1) Die Leistung erfolgt im Normalfall innerhalb von 4 Stunden ab der Buchung des Kunden zum in der Buchung vereinbarten Buchungstermin, aber jedenfalls innerhalb von 4 Tagen ab Bestelldatum. Sollten wir - etwa aufgrund der Nichtverfügbarkeit der Leistung – eine Buchung nicht annehmen können, teilen wir dies dem Kunden unverzüglich mit.

(2) Die Leistung erfolgt an die vom Kunden angegebene Adresse. Bei unrichtigen, unvollständigen oder unklaren Angaben durch den Kunden trägt dieser alle daraus entstehenden Kosten.

(3)  Die Anfahrtskosten ab 01. Jänner 2022 je nach Entfernung gestaffelt zwischen € 0,30 und € 0,55 inkl. Ust pro Kilometer. Ausgenommen davon ist jeder Langzeit-Vertrag bei Geschäftskunden.

  • 7 Zahlungsbedingungen

(1) Rechnungen sind, sofern nicht anders vereinbart, sofort ab Rechnungseingang abzugs- und spesenfrei fällig.

(2) Die Verrechnung erfolgt in Euro.

(3) Die gesetzlichen (Verzugs)Zinsen nach § 1333 Abs 1 ABGB betragen für Nicht-Kaufleute gemäß § 1000 Abs 1 ABGB 4% jährlich. – Nach § 1333 Abs 2 ABGB betragen die gesetzlichen Verzugszinsen „zwischen Unternehmern aus unternehmerischen Geschäften" (= zweiseitige Handelsgeschäfte) 8% „über dem Basiszinssatz" (d.s. dzt. insgesamt: 10,2 %).

Der Kunde ist bei Zahlungsverzug verpflichtet sämtliche der Capmandits Ltd. durch diesen Zahlungsverzug entstehenden zur zweckentsprechenden Rechtsverfolgung notwendigen Mahn- und Inkassospesen zu ersetzen. Die Geltendmachung eines höheren Verzugsschadens behält sich die Capmandits Ltd. vor.

(4) Reaktionszeit bei Stornierung einer Buchung: Anfragen werden innerhalb von 2 Werktagen beantwortet.

Für Verbraucher

  1. Rechnung: Sie erhalten Ihre Rechnung per Post oder per E-Mail mit Kontodaten zur Überweisung
  2. VISA / Verified by VISA*
  3. Master Card / Secure Code
  4. EPS Online-Überweisung 
  5. Klarna (Sofortüberweisung)
  6. Paypal

Für Unternehmen

Alle Zahlungsmittel außer Rechnung.

Ihre Bezahldaten werden nicht von der Capmandits Ltd. gespeichert, sondern über unseren externen Bezahlanbieter mPay24 verschlüsselt übermittelt.

  • 8 Haftung
    1. Bei leicht fahrlässiger Pflichtverletzung sind unsere Haftung sowie die unserer gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter, sonstiger Erfüllungsgehilfen und selbstständigen Techniker auf den vorhersehbaren, vertragstypischen Schaden beschränkt. Bei leicht fahrlässigen Pflichtverletzungen, die nicht Kardinalpflichten, d.h. Verpflichtungen deren Erfüllung die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung des Vertrags überhaupt erst ermöglicht und auf deren Einhaltung der Vertragspartner regelmäßig vertraut und vertrauen darf, sind, haften wir, unsere gesetzlichen Vertreter, Mitarbeiter, sonstigen Erfüllungsgehilfen und selbstständigen Techniker, nicht.
    2. Die Haftung für Datenverlust wird auf den typischen Wiederherstellungsaufwand beschränkt, der bei regelmäßiger und gefahrentsprechender Anfertigung von Sicherungskopien des Kunden eingetreten wäre.
  • 9 Mediationsklausel

Für den Fall von Streitigkeiten aus diesem Vertrag, die nicht einvernehmlich geregelt werden können, vereinbaren die Vertragsparteien einvernehmlich zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung des Konfliktes eingetragene Mediatoren (ZivMediatG) mit dem Schwerpunkt WirtschaftsMediation aus der Liste des Justizministeriums beizuziehen.
Sollte über die Auswahl der WirtschaftsMediatoren oder inhaltlich kein Einvernehmen hergestellt werden können, werden frühestens ein Monat ab Scheitern der Verhandlungen rechtliche Schritte eingeleitet.

Im Falle einer nicht zustande gekommenen oder abgebrochenen Mediation, gilt in einem allfällig eingeleiteten Gerichtsverfahren österreichisches Recht.

Sämtliche aufgrund einer vorherigen Mediation angelaufenen notwendigen Aufwendungen, insbesondere auch jene für eine(n) beigezogene(n) RechtsberaterIn, können vereinbarungsgemäß in einem Gerichts- oder Schiedsgerichtsverfahren als „vorprozessuale Kosten“ geltend gemacht werden.

10. Bestimmungen bei der Lieferung von Software

Mit der Bestellung lizenzierter Software von Dritten, bestätigt der Vertragspartner die Kenntnis des Leistungsumfanges dieser Softwarelizenzbestimmungen.

Für Software, die als "Public Domain", "Freeware" oder als "Shareware" klassifiziert ist, wird keine wie immer geartete Gewähr übernommen. Die für diese Software vom Autor angegebenen Nutzungsbestimmungen oder allfällige Lizenzregelungen sind zu beachten.

Bei individuell der Capmandits Ltd. erstellter Software ist der Leistungsumfang durch eine vom Vertragspartner gegengezeichnete Leistungsbeschreibung (Systemanalyse) bestimmt. Die Lieferung umfasst das auf den bezeichneten Anlagen ausführbare Programm und eine Programmbeschreibung. Die Rechte an den Programmen, dem Quellcode und der Dokumentationen verbleiben bei Capmandits Ltd.

Capmandits Ltd. übernimmt keine Gewähr dafür, dass die gelieferte Software allen Anforderungen des Vertragspartners genügt, in der vom Vertragspartner getroffenen Auswahl mit anderen Programmen zusammenarbeitet und dass die Programme ununterbrochen und fehlerfrei laufen oder dass alle Softwarefehler behoben werden können. Die Gewährleistung ist auf reproduzierbare Mängel in der Programmfunktion beschränkt.

Die Weitergabe von Software an Dritte, auch deren kurzfristige Überlassung, ist in jedem Fall ausgeschlossen.

11. Bestimmungen bei Dienstleistungen

Die Nutzung der Dienstleistungen durch Dritte sowie die entgeltliche Weitergabe von Dienstleistungen an Dritte bedarf der ausdrücklicher, schriftlicher Zustimmung der Capmandits Ltd.
Bei Nutzungsverträgen für Netzdienste gelten diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen so weit, als diese Verträge nicht ausdrücklich andere Bestimmungen vorsehen.

Der Vertragspartner ist verpflichtet, seine Passwörter geheim zu halten. Für Schäden, die durch mangelhafte Geheimhaltung der Passwörter durch den Vertragspartner oder durch Weitergabe an Dritte entstehen, haftet dieser.

Capmandits Ltd. betreibt die angebotenen Dienste unter dem Gesichtspunkt höchstmöglicher Sorgfalt, Zuverlässigkeit und Verfügbarkeit. Capmandits Ltd. übernimmt jedoch keine Gewähr dafür, dass diese Dienste ohne Unterbrechung zugänglich sind, dass die gewünschten Verbindungen immer hergestellt werden können, oder dass gespeicherte Daten unter allen Gegebenheiten erhalten bleiben.

Capmandits Ltd. haftet nicht für den Inhalt übermittelter Daten oder für den Inhalt von Daten, die durch Dienste der Capmandits Ltd. zugänglich sind. Der Vertragspartner der Capmandits Ltd. verpflichtet sich, sich bei der Nutzung der der Capmandits Ltd.  angebotener Dienste an die österreichischen und internationalen Rechtsvorschriften zu halten. Sofern der Vertragspartner seinerseits Wiederverkäufer ist, wird er diese Verpflichtung seinen Kunden auferlegen und alle zumutbaren Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die gesetzwidrige Verwendung der angebotenen Dienste zu unterbinden. Capmandits Ltd. behält sich jedoch vor, den Transport von Daten, oder Dienste, die den österreichischen Gesetzen oder internationalen Verpflichtungen oder den guten Sitten widersprechen, zu unterbinden, verpflichtet sich jedoch nicht dazu.

Der Vertragspartner der Capmandits Ltd. wird ausdrücklich auf die Vorschriften des Pornographiegesetzes, BGBl. 1950/97 idgF, das Verbotsgesetz vom 8. Mai 1945, StGBl 13 idgF und die einschlägigen Vorschriften des Strafgesetzbuches hingewiesen, wonach die Übermittlung, Verbreitung und Ausstellung bestimmter Inhalte gesetzlichen Beschränkungen unterliegt. Der Vertragspartner verpflichtet sich, diese Rechtsvorschriften zu beachten und gegenüber der Capmandits Ltd. die alleinige Verantwortung für die Einhaltung dieser Rechtsvorschriften zu übernehmen. Der Vertragspartner verpflichtet sich auch zur Einhaltung der Vorschriften des Telekommunikationsgesetzes und der einschlägigen fernmelderechtlichen Normen, insbesondere der Unterlassung der Verwendung von Telekommunikationsanlagen für anzeigepflichtige Dienste ohne vorherige Anzeige, konzessionspflichtige Dienste oder durch andere Rechtsvorschriften Beschränkungen unterworfenen Nutzungen. Der Vertragspartner verpflichtet sich weiters, Capmandits Ltd. von jedem Schaden frei zu halten, der sonst durch die von ihm in Verkehr gebrachten Daten entsteht, insbesondere durch Privatanklagen wegen übler Nachrede, Beleidigung oder Kreditschädigung (§ 111, 115, 152 StGB), durch Verfahren nach dem Mediengesetz, dem Urheberrechtsgesetz oder wegen zivilrechtlicher Ehrenbeleidigung und/oder Kreditschädigung (§ 1330 ABGB).

Bei sonstigen Dienstleistungen an beigestellter Hardware und Software, wie z.B. Installationen, Funktionserweiterungen u.ä., erbringt Capmandits Ltd. die vereinbarten Leistungen in dem Ausmaß, wie unter den vom Vertragspartner beigestellten, technischen Voraussetzungen möglich ist. Capmandits Ltd. übernimmt keine Gewähr, dass aus den beigestellten Komponenten alle funktionalen Anforderungen des Vertragspartners hergestellt werden können.

Die Haftung für Folgeschäden und entgangenen Gewinn, sowie der Ersatz von Sachschäden im Sinne des § 9 Produkthaftungsgesetze sind einvernehmlich ausgeschlossen.