Functional Specifications

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Innovative idea


  • Filter & collect information and ideas about your online project.
  • Define initial goals and content.
  • Determine those responsible for the project.


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  • Define your target groups for the online project.
  • Define your products/services.
  • Define your mission statement.
  • Analyze your competition on the web.


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Focus on Facts


  • You define the task, and the goal.
  • Recording of first key data
  • Focus on your company and its structures
  • Medium-term marketing strategies
  • Target group(s) of your website


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1st Milestone


  • Define the implementation of the project.
  • Explain possible solutions.
  • Agree on the work steps for the objective.
  • Detailing of navigation, content, design and usability


From specifications to functional specifications sheed

Sounds terrible, we agree, but;
In the specifications, you define for Capmandits Ltd. the current state and your wishes regarding your Projekts.In the implementation of web presences, the combination of specifications and functional specification sheed has established itself as a reliable tool for optimal offer and work preparation.
On the basis of the specifications, Capmandits Ltd. can estimate the effort and provide you with a differentiated offer with the specifications sheed created by us. The initial effort is a bit greater than you and we might like, but this effort pays off for all of us in the end.

Clarity, defined goals and functions are clearly described and can thus be checked and approved or improved later. Another advantage: With the specifications, you are able to obtain comparable offers from different service providers, as the offers are all based on the same requirements.

A specification sheet should contain the content that Informs Capmandits Ltd. well about your project and your goals. However, the aim of the specifications is not to prescribe every detail down to the smallest detail, but rather to give us the opportunity to propose and offer our own solutions and techniques. If the corset becomes too tight, it will be difficult for us to find the right solution, as Capmandits Ltd. cannot easily meet all requirements.

This could be included in your functional specifications sheed
  • The page should also be able to be viewed responsively on mobile devices.
  • Google PageSpeed value of at least 75 points should be achieved.
  • Your top keywords (1st–10th place) must not deteriorate under any circumstances.
  • Your conversion rate is currently 1%, I would like to see at least 1.5 - 2%.
  • You have a new corporate identity, which should be incorporated into the design
  • You want to be able to maintain all pages yourself.
  • The content management system must be easy for you to use.
  • You will use Google Analytics.
  • Your pages must be encrypted using SSL.
  • All content is to be migrated from its old appearance to the new page.
  • You want to offer (number) products in the shop, for these new products you need detailed product texts, plus a separate offer for text creation.
  • You don't want duplicate content to appear in your new pages.
  • All shop products, orders and customers are to be migrated in the new shop.
  • The pages are also to be implemented in German and English, as well as a separate offer for translation and input.
  • You want to offer as many payment methods as possible in my shop.
  • You need interfaces to eBay, Amazon and other marketplaces.
  • Individual pages can be shared on the main social media platforms.
  • You would like to send regular newsletters to approx. (number) recipients.
  • The availability of the pages must be at least 99.5%, they want a monthly statistic for this.
  • The shop must be regularly checked for full function.
  • You want a fault-tolerant and intelligent search system for your pages.