competent and prompt Manpowersupply and IT services

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Years of experience in Austria and border countries

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PC-Pick Up Service by CAPMANDITS


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Webdesign by CAPMANDITS

for small and medium-sized enterprises

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The IT infrastructure is currently under particular strain. In addition, cybercriminals exploit the crisis situation in a targeted manner in order to make a profit from it. Pay attention to cybersecurity right now and inform your employees about dangers. (WKO)

Quick Mobility

Inner 4 hours guaranteed support

24/7 Supports

Fusce pharetra sodales arcu.Sed rutrum ipsum a ipsum. Sed turpis arcu, luctus necInteger sed nulla.

Technical Skills

Sed orci. Fusce consectetuer nisl in massa. Maecenas tempus condimentum arcu.

Partner Prices

Quisque urna enim, placerat ut, auctor sed, mollis vitae, mi.Cras volutpat, mauris a rhoncus

Interdisciplinary nature of human-computer interaction

Unlike other tools with only limited uses (like a hammer, useful for hammering nails but not much else), a computer has many uses and this occurs as an open dialogue between the user and the computer. The concept of dialogue recognizes human-computer interaction as human-to-human interaction, an analogy that is crucial for theoretical considerations in this area.

The term was popularized by Stuart K. Card, Allen Newell, and Thomas P. Moran in their 1983 book, The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction, although the authors first used the term in 1980. The first known use was in 1975.

Human-computer interaction (often abbreviated as HCI) is concerned with the design and use of computer technology at the interface between people (users) and computers.

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we deliberately refrain from any link to social networks.
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Um dem Datenschutz und der Überantwortung vertraulicher Daten unser Partner und Kunden gerecht zu werden,
verzichten wir bewusst auf jegliche Verknüpfung zu sozialen Netzwerken.

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  • Competence

    Our customers rightly expect from us skills and abilities to master their concerns. Commonly known as competence. We always strive to meet these expectations.

  • Prompt

    For operating systems, a "command prompt" indicates that the computer expects an input. To us it indicates that the customer expects a quick solution. We rather prefer to be "old school".

  • Service

    As a "natural born" service provider, it makes us happy to dedicate our servitude to your task. A factual but nevertheless friendly way of meeting the challenge is a feasible goal even under adverse circumstances

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